Where Every Step

Is Celebrated!

Step and Praise Performing Arts believes in every child, youth and adult having access to platforms where they feel safe to express, learn and develop. We are a company that upholds seven core values in the work that we do. These are kindness, creativity, mutual respect, compassion, excellence, generosity, and perseverance. These qualities, along with our performing art expertise, produce the perfect environment for all to thrive and develop in mind, body and spirit.

We aim to identify the barriers some communities may face when accessing enriching activities and seek to tackle them head-on to encourage all who desire to participate to have a fair chance.

We value the gift of learning from others in order to create a better environment for all; this means we promote a continuous culture of being inspired. We aim to promote a standard of excellence in what we do and seek for all those who engage in our projects to come away feeling a difference, no matter their background.